Category: Typography


When the below “Beatles” shirt was designed by Experimental Jetset in 2001 it was indeed an innovative and awesome new rendition of a “band” shirt.


People have a tendency of re-using innovative ideas until there is no innovation left.  That is certainly the case with the Beatles tee.  A version has been done of every band you can think of and rip-offs of the design have spread like a virus.  This is probably also due to the fact that all you really need to design it is a word processor. Anyway, I’ve been thinking if it would be possible to reverse a trend like this.  That’s how I came up with the design below.

Score this design: “Cliche,” to help it get printed on Threadless!

Click on the above image to give me your vote!  If I win my shirt will be printed and sold at Gap stores across the country!  Cool!

Bookmarks arrrrr in!

My new fancy bookmarks just arrived!  I’d like to send some out to you people that still read books the traditional way!  If you’d like one  – comment below with your email address!  First come first serve! (the address is just to contact you – I won’t add you to a mailing list or sell your email soul on ebay)

*U.S. mailing only…as of right now.  Sorry!