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The Sketchbook Project



This past summer on a trip to NYC, I stumbled across the Brooklyn Sketchbook Library.  The place was so darn cool that I decided to participate in the project!  In January I completed a sketchbook which was sent into the library and will soon go on a NW tour before it is cataloged in their permanent library in Brooklyn.  If you live in NYC, or vist, you can go to the library and check it out!  If that’s a little far for you, here’s a preview of some of the pages…



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Visiting Laika Studios!


A few months ago I was invited to Laika Studios (Coraline, Paranorman…) to give a presentation about my “Haunted Legs” project. I got to tour their amazing animation facilities and chat with many of their talented artists, directors and animators.


Salon_Bcook_5I had to sign a confidentiality agreement in order to get in so no photos were allowed, but here are a couple pictures that their PR rep took during my tour 🙂

Check out their write-up on me HERE!